Process time for refund to the customers bank account is 7 to 10 days.
Within 2 Days of Booking
10% or ₹2000, whichever is higher
(If Reporting Date is on or after 7 Days)
50% of Booking Amount
(If Reporting Date is within 7 days)
After 2 Days of Booking
50% of the Booking Amount
(If Reporting Date is more or equal to 7 Days)
100% of the Booking Amount
(If Reporting Date is within 7 Days)
There are no credits/refunds issued for early returns except when the request has been made early to shorten the ride and the such request has been accepted in the Services, as defined in the Terms of Service.
Extras, half of any delivery, protection plan, and young driver fee costs are always refunded if a trip is cancelled.
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Don't Hesitate To Contact Us
Call: (+91) 9990399978
Our Location
M-2, Greater Kailash Part-I New Delhi – 110048